
08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr & 14:00 - 17:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

Hiervon ausgenommen sind die Öffnungszeiten des Service-Centers, der Touristinformation, der Stadtbücherei, des Stadtarchivs, des Jugendkulturzentrums, der Stadthallenverwaltung und der Städtischen Bühne Lahnstein im Nassau-Sporkenburger Hof.

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UNESCO Welterbe

Aristocratic Residences & Town Houses of the 18th-20th Century

In the Middle Ages Niederlahnstein was dominated by several magnificent aristocratic residences. They were the homes of the Märker, members of the lower German nobility, who serve as Burgmannen in nearby castles. Their task was to guard the castles and to defend them in times of war.
In return for their loyal services, the Märker were granted fiefs and extensive rights by their particular castle Lord. In peaceful times they lived in their residences in Niederlahnstein. As the town had neither a castle nor a wall, they surrounded their properties with their own defensive walls in order to demonstrate their power and to keep out common folk.

Nassau-Sporkenburger Hof

The three-storey solid stone building with half-timbered top floor, stone gables and high saddle roof dates back to the 14th century. On the south side, the building is fronted by an octagonal stair tower with crest-emblazoned portal. Between 1527 and 1606, it used to be the borderland farm of the Lords of Nassau-Sporkenburg, and since 1998, it has been accommodating the Städtische Bühne Lahnstein (Municipal Stage Lahnstein) that quickly developed into one of the cultural centers of the region. In the lobby, the theater hosts annually changing exhibitions by local and national artists.

Dietkirchener Hof (Heimbachhaus)

This Roman dwelling house, built between 1170 and 1190, ranks among the ten oldest dwelling houses in Germany. In the gables, the Romanic windows have been preserved, as well as a barrel vault cellar and baroque corkscrew stairs inside the building.

Löhnberger Mühle

When C. Ehrenberg, mill builder from Berlin, erected a rye mill immediately on the Rhine near the border to Horchheim, he created an imposing industrial building  whose forms "breathed a noble late classicism that cannot deny its Berlin origin. After all, even Schinkel buildings, … served as inspiration. Thus, the line… from the Löhnberger Mühle to the diagonally opposing castle of Stolzenfels is drawn". The entire complex, consisting of brick buildings, was built by the end of the 19th century and is located in the Didierstraße.


The small half-timbered house with stone ground floor was built around the year 1750 and is located in the Altgasse. The owner, honorary citizen Johannes Knauf, had the house renovated in 1979. In the course of the renovation, painter Erich Senz from Braubach decorated it with St. James pilgrims and an inscription in commemoration of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

House Astudin

This half-timbered house with oriel, built in 1915, was the home of the Russian painter Nicolai von Astudin and his wife, the animal painter Johanna von Astudin-Meinecke. Astudin’s famous Rhine landscapes were published as postcards. Until 1915, the artist couple had lived in the Gymnasialstraße 11 in Oberlahnstein.

Your contact

Interested in Lahnstein and its sights? For requests and information, please contact the

Tourist Information Lahnstein

+49 (0)2621 914-171

+49 (0)2621 914-129
