
08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr & 14:00 - 17:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

Hiervon ausgenommen sind die Öffnungszeiten des Service-Centers, der Touristinformation, der Stadtbücherei, des Stadtarchivs, des Jugendkulturzentrums, der Stadthallenverwaltung und der Städtischen Bühne Lahnstein im Nassau-Sporkenburger Hof.

Telefonische Terminvereinbarung

Sie können weitere Termine außerhalb dieser Öffnungszeiten mit Ihren Sachbearbeitern absprechen.



UNESCO Welterbe

Our History - our Museums

Town Museum of Lahnstein

Witch Tower

The monumental Witch Tower at the Salhofplatz documents Lahnstein's rich history with coats of arms, seals and documents. The exhibits range from pre- and early history over Bronze and Iron Age to the Roman traces and the life of the people in the Middle Ages.

Town Wall Lodge

The Town Wall Lodge in the Hintermauergasse was built around 1700. The rooms extend into the arched alcoves of the town wall. Today, it is furnished as a dwelling house in the early 20th century and illustrates the civic life.

Ancient Town Hall

Inside the building that is located in the Hochstraße, remains of the medieval paintings and the baroque stucco ceiling have been preserved. Today it accomodates the town archive whose holdings may be used by appointment. There are also temporary special exhibitions to the town's history.

Mining Museum

Relive hard work days in mining: The small but fine mining museum offers you an insight into mining work and the life of the people who once drove into the mountain to dig for ores. You find a model of the village's look around 1900, photographies, mine plots and minerals.


Bergbaumuseum Friedrichssegen, Ahlerhof, D-56112 Lahnstein (the house is one of the first as you enter district Friedrichssegen)

CCO Carnival Museum

The cultural history of Lahnstein's carnival and its customs are central to this small museum. In the historical Toll Castle Martinsburg, prince costumes, fool's caps, uniforms, more than 850 medals and many curiosities tell impressing and mostly merry tales of the ado on these cheerful days.


CCO-Fastnachtsmuseum, Schloss Martinsburg, Schlossstraße, D-56112 Lahnstein

Historical Hydropower Plant in Friedrichssegen

The hydropower plant is one of the oldest in Germany and was built in the year 1906. The renovations and extensions carried out in the years 1915 and 1937 increased the plant’s efficiency by 30%. The three-phase generators from 1906 and the turbines from 1937 are still in operation today.


Wasserkraftwerk Friedrichssegen, Ahlerhof 13-15, D-56112 Lahnstein

more information: Town Museum

Witch Tower

To visit in a special guided tour on demand.

Town Wall Lodge

Open whilst temporary exhibitions.

Ancient Town Hall

Town archive and exhibition opened from May to October every Wednesday from 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. and according to prior agreement.

your contact

Tourist Information

+49 (0)2621 914-171



+49 (0)2621 914-296


more information: Mining Museum

Free admission, donations welcome!

opening hours

1st April to 31st October every Tuesday 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. and year-around according to prior agreement.

your contact

Mr Egon Korn

more information: Carnival Museum

Free admission, donations welcome!

opening hours

middle of May to middle of September every Sunday from 03:00 p.m. to 04:30 p.m. and according to prior agreement.

your contact

Ms Eva Bonn


more information: Hydropower Plant

Free admission, visits without previous notice

opening hours

May to October every Tuesday from 02:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.

your contact

Süwag Energie GmbH

+49 (0)69 31070
