
08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr & 14:00 - 17:30 Uhr

08:30 – 11:30 Uhr

Hiervon ausgenommen sind die Öffnungszeiten des Service-Centers, der Touristinformation, der Stadtbücherei, des Stadtarchivs, des Jugendkulturzentrums, der Stadthallenverwaltung und der Städtischen Bühne Lahnstein im Nassau-Sporkenburger Hof.

Telefonische Terminvereinbarung

Sie können weitere Termine außerhalb dieser Öffnungszeiten mit Ihren Sachbearbeitern absprechen.



UNESCO Welterbe

Theme Trail Historic Lahnstein

Walk in the footsteps of history through a unique city, dominated by its location at the rivers Rhine and Lahn!
Our theme trail will lead you to authentic and historic places where you can experience the history of our city from the earliest settlement to the present.

Discover the city on your own account

Following our theme trail, you find 20 sights in districts Ober- and Niederlahnstein in exposed positions. The information on the plaques is given in German and English language – so you can discover new places or see old objects through new eyes.

The theme trail leads you individual through town. You start wherever you want and make the tour at your own pace.

An extra flyer, that you get in the tourist information, provides an overview of the different places.

As a special memory there is also the poster "Theme Trail Historic Lahnstein" purchasable in the tourist information.

History in the mobile version

Every plaque has also its own QR Code. By scanning it with your mobile phone, you reach the mobile version of the website Historic Lahnstein.

On this site you find all the information from the plaques as well as nearby landmarks, restaurants, cafés and hotels - so just sit down, drink a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and go deeper into the history of Lahnstein.

Your contact

Interested in the theme trail and Lahnstein's sights? For requests and information, please contact the

Tourist Information Lahnstein

+49 (0)2621 914-171

+49 (0)2621 914-129


historic Lahnstein
Location 12: Church Square Niederlahnstein
Location 1: Salhof Square Oberlahnstein
Location 16: St. John's Basilica Niederlahnstein
Location 5: Old Town House Oberlahnstein